This is a quick start guide, and it's quite outdated, please find the detailed documentation here.
Getting Started
Sikika is a simple and clean WordPress theme that's been developed to be used with Kemoku Reviews plugin, however it can be used a standalone theme as well.
Before getting started make sure you have all the requirements met.
To use the theme, you must be running WordPress 4.8 or higher and PHP 5.6 or higher.
Recommended versions are WordPress 5.1 and PHP 7.
Installing the Theme
- Download the theme from your account
- Upload the theme
file through WordPress dashboard - Activate the theme
Theme Customizations
Theme customizations are made through native WordPress Customizer. In admin dashboard visit Appearance -> Customize select the options group and make the required changes.
Widget Areas
There are 3 widget areas available for you in SIkika by default, one of them is for the footer and the rest for sidebars: main default sidebar and the left hand sidebar. You can define the sidebars in Theme Customizer -> Sidebar options.
If you're using Kemoku plugin, you'll get another sidebar for Kemoku review pages where you can define general widgets as well as use Kemoku review shortcodes.
AMP Support
Sikika comes with built-im AMP support. All you have to do is just install the official AMP plugin for WordPress and activate it. And that's all, you don't need to do anything else.
You can get the plugin from WordPress Plugins Directory: AMP or add it through your WordPress dashboard Plugins page.
To check the AMP functionality of the theme, simply append ?amp
to the page URLs.
Child Theme
If you need for any reason to do any modifications to the theme files, the recommended approach would be using child themes. Learn how to create WordPress child themes and download the child theme for Sikika.
If you have any questions or issues regarding the theme, please get in touch.