This is a quick start guide, and it's quite outdated, please find the detailed documentation here.

Getting Started

Akurai is a versatile WordPress theme for creating and managing awesome sportsbook affiliate websites. It's unique and modern and makes your website stand out among others.

Before getting started make sure you have all the requirements met. To use the theme, you must be running WordPress 4.8 or higher and PHP 5.6 or higher.
Recommended versions are WordPress 5.1 and PHP 7.

Also make sure your host has the minimum requirements to run WordPress and PHP max_upload_size is more than 2MB.

Installing the Theme

  1. Download the theme from your account
  2. Upload the theme .zip file through WordPress dashboard
  3. Activate the theme

Adding the License Key

  1. In WordPress dashboard visit Settings -> Theme Setup
  2. Enter the license code you got from your account
  3. Click Submit
  4. A message confirming the theme activation will appear

At this point you’re all set up to start using the theme.

Creating Review Pages

In your WordPress dashboard you will find a new menu called Reviews right below the Pages menu link. Click Add New to add a new review. Besides adding your review title and content as usual, you’ll find Review Fields section below page content. Here you can define properties for each review. The fields are in separate sections and have descriptions to make it easy for you to fill them in. These properties are used all over the website, please make sure to fill them in.

Blocks in Review Pages

There are 5 review blocks available for you to use in review pages. All the 5 blocks require no configuration, all you need is to just add them to the content by clicking on the block name. The information is populated from Review Fields that you need to have filled in beforehand. The same blocks are also available to use in Review Page Sidebars. Here’s the format:
[info] [offer] [pros_cons] [banking] [ratings]

Blocks & Shortcodes

There are multiple blocks and shortcodes available for you to present your website information. It is recommended to use native blocks instead of shortcodes, however if for some reason you’re still using a version of WordPress lower than 5.0, you can use shortcodes as well.


To add a new table simply click on the + (Add block) sign and select Reviews Table in Akurai Blocks section.

In the content editor a new table edit section will appear. Click Add Review to add as many reviews as you want and at the bottom select how to display the terms and conditions.

At the right side panel you can click on Switch to Preview to preview the table in your editor.

Note that the preview may differ a little from the actual table as some WordPress and other plugin styles may be affecting it.

Shortcode format

[table reviews="comma separated list of review page ids" terms="none|short|long"]


To add a new gird simply click on the + (Add block) sign and select Reviews Grid in Akurai Blocks section.

In the content editor a new gird edit section will appear. Click Add Review to add as many reviews as you want and at the bottom select how to display the terms and conditions.

At the right side panel you can click on Switch to Preview to preview the gird in your editor. Note that the preview may differ a little from the actual gird as some WordPress and other plugin styles may be affecting it.

Shortcode format

[grid reviews="comma separated list of review page ids" terms="none|short|long"]


To add a new list simply click on the + (Add block) sign and select Reviews List in Akurai Blocks section.

In the content editor a new list edit section will appear. Click Add Review to add the 4 reviews.

At the right side panel you can click on Switch to Preview to preview the list in your editor.

Note that the preview may differ a little from the actual list as some WordPress and other plugin styles may be affecting it.

Shortcode format

[list reviews="comma separated list of review page ids" terms="none|short|long"]


To add a new offer simply click on the + (Add block) sign and select Review Offer in Akurai Blocks section.

In the content editor a new offer edit section will appear. Select a review and fill in the fields.

At the right side panel you can click on Switch to Preview to preview the offer in your editor.

Note that the preview may differ a little from the actual offer as some WordPress and other plugin styles may be affecting it.

Shortcode format

[review_block review="review page id" terms="none|short|long" heading="..." 
subheading="..."  button_url="..." button_text="..."] ... content here ... [/review_block]

Recent Posts

To add a new posts block simply click on the + (Add block) sign and select Recent Posts in Akurai Blocks section.

In the content editor a new recent posts edit section will appear. Select the number of posts to display and the post excerpt length. Or you can leave them blank for default values: 6 posts and 40 words.

You can also select a category to filter the posts or leave it blank to display posts from all categories.

At the right side panel you can click on Switch to Preview to preview the posts block in your editor.

Note that the preview may differ a little from the actual block as some WordPress and other plugin styles may be affecting it.

Shortcode format

[posts count="6" words="40"]` or `[posts count="6" words="40" cat_id="1"]

Theme Customizations

Theme customizations are made through native WordPress Customizer. In admin dashboard visit Appearance -> Customize select the options group and make the required changes.

Child Theme

If you need for any reason to do any modifications to the theme files, the recommended approach would be using child themes. Learn how to create WordPress child themes and download the child theme for Akurai.


If you have any questions or issues regarding the theme, please get in touch.