A quick update about Akurai theme. I just published version 3.1.5 of the theme, and here are some of the changes.
Load more button for tables and grids
For a long time, you could choose your reviews to display on tables and grids using categories and tags. You could also limit the number of reviews you wanted to display. But until this version you couldn't add a button after the table (or grid) to let users load more reviews.
Now you can. Simply enable the "Load More Reviews" option, select how many reviews to display initially and after that select how many reviews to display every time a user clicks on the load/show more button.
Note there is also a field called "Number of reviews (Set -1 for all)". This field is for limiting the number of reviews in general, not to be confused with "Number of reviews to be displayed initially" field.
This load more reviews option is only available when you're choosing reviews by filtering by category/tag, not with manual selection.
Support for nested sub-menus
Now you can nest sub-menus in the main header navigation menu.
Improved demo imports
Now it easier to import any of Akurai demos when you're starting a new website. This is not a new features, it was a little improved in this version, adding an easy way to handle manual imports.